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January 24, 2017
For the January meeting, Stephanie Sauriol from Otsuka had the privilege to introduce Mike Lipkin a world-renowned motivator and communicator who brings out the best in leaders and employees around the world. Mike is the founder and President of Environics/Lipkin a Global Research and Motivation company. He has written nine bestselling books on personal leadership and effectiveness. Mike is notorious for his ability to blend humor with content that inspires people into action.
Mike started by mentioning that with tonight’s presentation he was aiming much higher than just trying to reduce our fear of public speaking and making the best of it; many people are filled with great intentions, but are not willing to go the extra mile and have that commitment of finding a way or making a way to achieve that objective.
An important phrase was stated: ‘’Speak up in order to stand out’’, you REALLY want to look forward to this opportunity; you want to be so excited that you have this opportunity of speaking in public.
Mike shared with the audience his 10 insights on how to present like a champion
- Get into the right mind set: you need to convey to people that you are ready for this, you are in the game, there are 4 ways to achieve this mind set before doing that presentation:
- Listen to something inspirational (music, speaker, call a friend)
- Watch a video ( motivational )
- Read something that gives you confidence
- Move ( you need to be energized, emotion comes from motion )
- Visualize the desired outcome:
- Visualize the way you want the presentation to go
- Make it bright and vivid
- Celebrate your success in advance: tell yourself ‘’it’s going to be a success’’
- The fear of public speaking never goes away, this fear equals respect. You need to handle that fear and not the other way around
- Prepare to win:
- Know your presentation subject inside and out
- Rehearse your presentation out loud; practice telling your story. The more you can say it, the more comfortable you will verbalize it
- Dry runs are good; they will make you even better. Presenting to your peers is your hardest audience, nothing compares to them. If you go through a successful dry run, the real presentation will be great
- Connect through caring:
- Make it about the audience: compliment and flatter them
- Frame the conversation around your audience rather than just talking about your product, strategy etc.
- Declare over and over your commitment to giving them what they want. Find out what they want and position yourself to get there.
- Focus on the students: people you can count on for support
- 25% of you audience are considered students, (‘’friendlies’’)
- 25% are considered as ‘’prisoners’’ they do not wish to be there, do not focus on them
- 25% of your audience will be ‘’skeptics’’: (where is the data, evidence or proof), their goal is to evaluate your commitment to your message, don’t cave in front of a skeptic. Push Back with charm, grace and confidence. If those skeptics are convinced, they will become your strongest advocates and mobilizers.
- 25% are considered ‘’vacationers’’ ( not quite there, happy not to be at work)
- Listen intensively: the way you listen to others becomes their opinion of themselves:
- Build rapport through stance, tempo, volume and mirroring: adapt yourself to your audience while maintaining your authenticity; the ultimate goal is that the audience feels you are just like them.
- Repeat what you have heard and ask for confirmation: make sure the audience feels you heard them
- Show that you are fascinated by your audience:
- Talk the talk
- Use your audience language: adjust your delivery to your audience language, make it relevant for them , use their own words and expressions when presenting
- Develop your own signature vocabulary: find words that are unique to you
- Repeat and re-emphasize your message over and over: people are often not listening the first time.
- Use your body like a champion:
- Stand proud: you have earned the right to be there
- Breathe deep
- Be deliberate: Talk the same way as you would if you were sharing a story with a good friend. Raise your tone when you feel you want to make a point.
- Improvise through humor:
- Smile like you mean it: You want to show that you are happy to be there, do not fake it
- Show your joy: even though nervousness is very present, remember the privilege of doing this, the impact it will have and accept the challenge of doing it
- Accept the offer
- Finish strong:
- Get through the tough moments: there might be some, you will overcome them
- Finish on a high
- Thank and compliment the audience
At the end of the evening, there was a short question and answer period during which Mike provided the following comments:
Q: These past few years, as marketers we are asked to deliver our POA sessions via WebEx, how can we use your tips and present like champions?
- You absolutely need to use those tips and they have to be multiplied by 10 since you are only depending on your voice to present.
- You need to be willing to talk and present into the void
- You need to get comfortable presenting in a video mode
Q: What can be done when your key audience is either on their I-phone or on their computers? (especially senior leaders)
- This can be very frustrating for a presenter, try to earn their interest.
- Most of those times these individuals are either ‘’skeptics or prisoners’’, endure it since you cannot really address it since these are senior executives, although, when making your point, do it a very powerfully and treat it as a challenge.
Jo-Ann Charland
Training Consultant and Medical Writer
Cell: 438-998-0498