September 27, 2016
Shannon Quinn, the new PMCQ president, opened the first event of the 2016-2017 season by welcoming everyone and kicked off by discussing how the PMCQ events had helped her accelerate her integration into the pharmaceutical industry in Quebec. Shannon pointed out that the PMCQ is currently celebrating its 60th year, what an amazing legacy! She revealed that the PMCQ’s theme for this season is "Rediscover your PMCQ". She went on to explain the new theme for this season as being a spotlight on development topics coupled with debates around our changing industry landscape. All of the season’s event details, dates and topics can be found in our membership brochure and online at She also thanked all the generous sponsors from all different levels – Educational - Corporate and Supporting Partners. Shannon also reiterated the goal of the PMCQ; being your premier partner for education, career development and networking.
Martine Boily from Merck then introduced the evening speaker, Jean Francois Ouellet. He was introduced as a born innovator, entrepreneur and a marketing guru. He is also a professor at HEC, a television host and motivational speaker. Jean Francois took the stage and started by saying that he always had an itch for innovation ever since he could remember. He then added that he always wanted to make businesses more innovative and more creative, that’s one of his passions and he firmly believes that even with regulations and constraints this is truly possible.
Jean Francois began talking about innovations by giving a specific example from his days at Dispil Inc. (Packaging System Company dispensing medication) where employees at the beginning of the week would be energized, pumped, and full of creative ideas, however, by the end of the week they were demotivated and depressed due to the fact that none of their ideas had been accepted; every Monday morning, they would start the same process all over again.
Here’s a question that Jean Francois asks himself on a regular basis: It is a curse to be in an over regulated environment and go through these limitations week after week? The answer is that constraints such as those brought by regulations are not bad; they are actually a good thing and they have a tendency to make you better in your creative process.
Jean Francois enumerated a few notorious examples of Innovations developed through major constraints:
According to Jean Francois, the main governing principles allowing companies to be able to innovate and come up with creative ideas is a matter of culture.
Jean Francois defines culture as a group phenomenon; it comes from a group having similar values.
Listed below are the 4 major factors that will have a vast impact under a strict regulated environment
Innovation governing principles
According to Jean Francois these 2 majors’ sets of constraints will help to get that creative and innovative boost going:
How are innovative companies promoting creativity amongst their employees?
Jean Francois key takeaway points were:
Jo-Ann Charland
Training Consultant and Medical Writer
Cell: 438-998-0498
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Virtual Meeting
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
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Creative by Lemieux Bédard
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