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Afin de soutenir la demande croissante, nous avons modifé la section Demandez au CCPP et l'avons rendu plus facile d'utilisation. Vous pouvez désormais sélectioner la catégorie qui vous interesse dans le menu déroulant et voir les questions qui ont déjà été posées et répondues. Vous pouvez également faire une recherche parmis les questions déjà soumises au CCPP depuis les débuts.

Questions et réponses les plus récentes

Can branded DTC advertising include a claim of 'new' or 'now available'?

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Can HCP branded materials and Patient branded materials utilize the same creative? If not, how different must the 2 be? What elements (colours, key features) can be shared between the two campaigns?


We have an 8 page print leave-behind detail aid that includes full dosing information. We are thinking of redoing this tool with a half page sized tear off flap that has key reminder information on the dosing. Does this flap have to contain all of the dosing information, or can it just contain e.g., the steps and an example calculation. Thanks.

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Change in Product Ownership - if Company A divests Product X to Company B, can Company B continue to use promotional material for Product X that was previously approved by PAAB for Company A during the DIN transfer, or only post-DIN transfer? If so, can it be used until the renewal date?


Hi PAAB, I was wondering if expert guidelines for treatment option algorithms (first line, second line) are allowed to be included in branded pieces directed at HCPs. The goal would not be to compare treatments but to see under which situations / for what patients a therapy would be preferred. (Patient profile?) Thanks for your help!

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My client is preparing an HCP website that will include brand promotion as well as offer samples. The site will be 'gated' which will involve a landing page that asks the viewer if they are a Canadian physician and require that they input their license number. Does the website require a validation process to ensure that the license numbers and the physician name are accurate? Could the 'validation' be limited to ensuring that the correct number of digits/letters are input (as opposed to confirming that those numbers match to a licensed physician). I look forward to your feedback. Thank you! LC


Do OTC product materials require PAAB review? Does this change if they are rep delivered materials vs online (or other multi-channel mediums not driven by sales resp)?


Dear PAAB, The Product Monograph of one of our products has been updated with a new indication. We want to send a message to physicians informing them that the PM for AAA product has been updated with the results of BB study. Since there is no claim/indication in this message, our understanding is that this message is PAAB-exempt. Can you please confirm? Thank you.

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For messaging on formulary coverage, in accordance with the PAAB Advisory March 2019, while it is PAAB exempt to state "Drug X: Now on ODB Formulary", can a manufacturer also provide the HCP (along with the PAAB exempt message that the Drug X is on ODB Formulary), a link to the listing criteria on the "ODB Formulary" associated with that particular Drug X?


Would it be acceptable to use an image in a patient support material (PSP) if the same image is being used in healthcare professional branded material? The product only has one indication and PSP material would specifically be distributed to patients prescribed the product for the approved indication.

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Commissaire adjoint  

Jennifer Carroll
Réviseur principal en communications

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